The Service for Justice Residential College, housed in 42 Langguth Hall, is a community rooted in social justice and service that explores the questions of identity development, positive sense of self and social responsibility. Through reflective exercises students are asked to intentionally examine their own personal identities and culture based on their living and learning experiences. By intentionally examining social justice issues, students explore how they are called to become change agents. Through reflection, action and service, students are challenged to see how they can use their privileges to help those who are oppressed.

Goal of the Service for Justice Program

Students will explore the following three key questions based on the activities presented in the different areas of the program.

  • Who Am I?
  • Whose Am I?
  • How am I called to serve justice?

Through participation in the Service for Justice Residential College, students will be able to engage in the following:

Identity Development Sense of Belonging Social and Academic Responsibility

Explore and develop a greater understanding for one’s personal identity particularly gender identity, racial/ ethnic background and socioeconomic status.

Explore one’s personal belief system and/or philosophical tradition to search for meaning and purpose.

Rooted in social justice and love, students will serve as responsible citizens, gain an understanding for those who suffer, and take action for change.

Integrate multiple aspects of their identities in creating a positive sense of self.

Articulate how one’s values and principles shape perspectives of living in the community.

Discern ethical principles and personal values in light of academic and residential experiences.

Discern how aspects of personal identities relate to one’s ethical principles, personal values and the larger societal constructs.

Demonstrate an interest in and ability to build relationships with others who are similar and different from oneself.

Address societal and personal developmental concerns through and across different academic disciplines.


Develop strategies that promote wellness and explore how these strategies impact decision making as well as personal and academic success.

Gain knowledge, ask questions, and develop skills through critical intellectual inquiry.